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Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life

Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life chronicles the year of a real-life family, the Kingsolvers, as they embark on a journey from being vegetarians, to what is termed, locavores—those who eat foods, both meats and vegetables, which are only grown locally, either by themselves or by someone in the area in which they live. Starting out by looking at the amount of fuel that is consumed in transporting foods back and forth across the nation—it is apparent through the wit and anecdotal properties that the journey this family made resulted in far more than reducing their carbon footprint on the world. A truly enjoyable read, this 400 page book makes sense of what some would call the fanaticism of vegetarianism and introduces the pleasure of being a conscientious omnivore.
Plant Features

Paperback—At times tongue-in-cheek and at other times just plain heart-felt, the recounting of the first year’s transformation from vegetarians to locavores serves as a diary for those who will follow. The benefit of eating home-grown or locally grown foods becomes a personal choice that can have a global impact, though in actuality, the Kingsolvers worked backwards from the global problem to what they could do personally. What a lesson we all can learn and what a difference a year makes. Look for the surprise and unintended pay off that this family gained. This will make a great gift!
