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Storey’s Guide to Raising Llamas, 2nd Edition

Storey’s Guide to Raising Llamas, 2nd Edition, Care, Showing, Breeding, Packing, Profiting discusses every aspect of raising this amazing animal and all the uses that their by-products, fleece and manure, can be used for. For example, did you know that llamas will normally defecate in one spot? In a larger pasture, they might have a couple of spots, but this surprisingly clean animal makes it really easy to pick up their droppings, which unlike other manures, can be utilized in your garden without drying or curing. Llamas are also used as guard animals for smaller livestock like goats or sheep, keeping coyotes, wild dogs and large cats at bay. It is all here in this comprehensive guide, as well as everything you could possibly need to know about raising and profiting from these versatile animals.
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Storey’s Guide to Raising Llamas, 2nd Edition, Care, Showing, Breeding, Packing, Profiting is written by Gale Hartuigsen. A guide for Northeast Kingdom Llama Expeditions, she is also the owner of Made in Vermont Llamas. In addition, Gale is the developer of the Guardian Llama Placement Program, which puts these multipurpose animals to work guarding small livestock, including poultry.
