Order by Phone: 260-525-9151 (M-F, 9am-4pm EDT)
The Alabama Slammer Geum Plant is an amazing Avens variety that is quite vigorous and considered a bit longer-lasting than some other cultivars. Wine-colored buds give way to startling and surprising orange petals tinged with shades of rosy pink through reddish-orange. The frilly yellow center is the coup-de-grace on this tiny, but ostentatious, cousin of the rose. The blossom opens atop burgundy stems above light green foliage and is a real show-stopper!
Our Geum Plants are grown with care and free from harmful pesticides, ensuring they are a safe and vibrant addition to your garden. Guaranteed to arrive healthy and ready to thrive!
Planting Instructions:
Soil Preparation:
Watering Specifics:
Fertilizer Type:
Pruning and Training:
Additional Pest Management:
Blooming Indicators:
Temperature Tolerance:
Companion Plants for Geum:
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Geum is a spring-blooming plant. The range listed can vary, depending on the variety and the environmental conditions. Typically they are not a reblooming plant, although deadheading during the bloom period will encourage a few more blooms and help to extend the season.
From anonymous | June 21, 2012
Can anyone tell me why both my Geums bloomed in May and once those flowers died off, not a hint of buds? They are supposed to bloom til late summer. Thanks!
From Andrea | June 20, 2012
I purchased 2 Geums last summer. It is end of April here on LI and both of them have been in bloom for a week. Alabama Slammer has about a dozen flowers, Flames of Passion has about 5 with buds. Last year Flames remained about 4" high all summer so I thought I was going to lose it. I think it needed to acclimate to soil that was close to a concrete walk which happens sometimes (the concrete changes the soil somehow). This really are little charmers, I am ordering more for the lower areas.
From Andrea | April 23, 2012
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