Order by Phone: 260-525-9151 (M-F, 9am-4pm EDT)

Ambrosia Cantaloupe Plant

  • - Spacing: 6 feet
  • - Days to Harvest: 85
  • - Luscious, extra-sweet taste, juiciness and aroma
  • -Each 3-Inch Pot contains 1 Ambrosia Cantaloupe Plant
Plant Features

Ambrosia Cantaloupes produce extra sweet and juicy, 5-pound fruits with a very small seed cavity and have a strong aroma. The vigorous vines are powdery mildew resistance and thrive even in the hottest gardens. Look forward to a bumper crop with this proven performer!

Our Ambrosia Cantaloupe Plants are grown with a commitment to natural methods, ensuring they're healthy and robust. Guaranteed to arrive alive and thriving!

Planting Instructions:

  • - Melons do best if transplanted when the soil temperature is at least 60 degrees.

Soil Preparation:

  • - Ideal soil pH: 6.0-6.8
  • - Amend soil with compost or fertilizer before planting

Watering Specifics:

  • - Plants require 1-2 inches per week. Water at ground level to avoid wetting leaves

Fertilizer Type:

  • - Use balanced, water-soluble fertilizer. We recommend a standard 10-10-10 during transplanting, then a 21-0-0 fertilizer once the vines reach 24 inches.

Pruning and Training:

  • - Pinch off the growing tips when vines reach 24-36 inches to encourage bushier growth
  • - Grow them vertically to save space


  • - Requires insect pollination
  • - Plant flowers nearby is helpful to attract bees

Additional Pest Management:

  • - Watch for cucumber beetles, aphids, and vine borers

Harvesting Indicators:

  • - Additional signs of ripeness: slight softening at blossom end, cracking around stem


  • - Store ripe melons in the refrigerator for up to 5 days
  • - Unripe melons can ripen at room temperature for a few days

Companion Plants:

  • - Bean: Fixes nitrogen in the soil, improving fertility
  • - Collard: Acts as a trap crop for potential pests
  • - Corn: Provides natural support and partial shade
  • - Marigold: Repels nematodes and attracts pollinators
  • - Oregano: Repels pests and may enhance flavor
  • - Petunia: Attracts pollinators
  • - Radish: Deters cucumber beetles
  • - Squash: Provides ground cover and pest confusion
Attribute name Attribute value
Plant Characteristics
Garden Spacing 24-Inches if grown vertically, 6 feet otherwise
Production Time Multiple Pickings
Habit Vining growth pattern - Long, winding stems
Foliage Color Green leaves
Features Heat tolerant
Plant Use Grown for food production
Disease Resistance Downy Mildew (DM), Powdery Mildew (PM)
Plant Type Hybrid; seeds do not breed true
Tolerates Handles sandy soil well

Product Reviews


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Top Reviews

Growing great!

Seeing a lot if fruit. I used cattle panels as a trellis to keep fruit off the hound and the plants love it!

From Kathleen | August 10, 2023


Planted these cantaloupe after arrival and they are spreading like wildfire. Already have blooms. Can't wait to time to harvest. Highly SPPB5

From Ava | May 17, 2023

Healthy looking plant!

I am really looking forward to watching this cantaloupe grow. The plant arrived in perfect health!

From joann | March 30, 2023

Ambrosia Cantelope is Outstanding

This was our first year buying from GrowJoy. We were very pleased with the Ambrosia Cantelope. We normally bought Tuscan at the grocery store when we could find it. Growing Ambrosia is now our favorite. While the first few melons took a while to grow, all of a sudden we had a large crop from the same 2 plants. The flavor was outstanding!

From kim | August 27, 2022

Really nice plant

This plant arrived quickly during the proper planting time. It’s planted and thriving beautifully. I can’t wait to see the harvest!

From Kathleen | June 08, 2022


The ambrosia canteloupe plants we ordered from GrowJoy are wonderful. We had one plant arrive damaged that did not survive, but GrowJoy reimbursed for that plant. The remaining plants have grown wonderfully over the last months and we have an amazing crop of cantaloupe (15-20 melons on 2 plants!). I can't seem to attach a picture but the vines are lush, the cantaloupe plentiful, and proving to be just as delicious as we had hoped. Thank you so much GrowJoy!

From anonymous | August 19, 2021


I am amazed at how well these are growing and I have an amazing amount of cantaloupes growing and they are delicious

From Maeve | August 06, 2021

I got them late this year :(

Was not too happy at the date that I got my plant. I ordered may 5th and I got them well after June 9th! But the plant is doing well in spite of it being put in so late, I MIGHT order next year...not sure tho..

From Robert | July 18, 2021


Plants arrived in good shape, transplanted next day and 60 days later the first one ripened. These are probably the best tasting cantaloupe I have ever had, beautiful fruit too.

From anonymous | August 02, 2020

Very Satisfied with product

Was very excited to see this product and it looked good and prepared thanks GrowJoy

From Wenenda | July 04, 2020


Shipping containers are great absolutely no damage, plants are very large and ready to plant. It's why I always do business with GrowJoy for ten years now

From David | May 07, 2020


First time ordering from GrowJoy and I am impressed! Cantaloupe plants were shipped on time and packaged perfectly for transplant to my raised bed! Can’t wait for harvest time!!

From Brian | May 04, 2020


I placed this cantaloupe plant next to my Faerie Watermelon plant in my raised garden in a rich soil amended with cow manure and premium bagged soils. It took off in a flash!

From anonymous | April 25, 2020