Order by Phone: 260-525-9151 (M-F, 9am-4pm EDT)
The Let's Dance® Moonlight Hydrangea Plant is a Proven Winners® selection and one of a new generation of Hydrangea that blooms on both old and new wood and is moderately salt-tolerant. Blooming atop strong stems on dark green foliage, the baby girl pink (>7.0 pH) or baby boy blue (<7.0 pH) mop-head flowers create a memorable display. Clip the deadheads to encourage prolific re-blooming. Moonlight's fall foliage takes on a rich reddish-bronze palette, making you smile all the way to the first frost. The young plant will benefit from pinching just the branch tips during the first year of growth, which helps to build a fuller-bodied adult.
Planting Instructions:
Soil Preparation:
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Fertilizer Type:
Pruning and Training:
Additional Pest Management:
Temperature Tolerance:
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Three beautiful "Let's Dance Moonlight" Hydrangea Plants arrived at my door last week and I couldn't be more pleased with the shipment. The plants are well packaged, healthy, and full of deep green leaves. I'm anticipating great foliage and growth in the years to come.
From linda | September 10, 2015
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