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Product reviews for Bella Rosella Fuchsia Plant

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Beautiful plants
I pre ordered my three fuchsias back in October . I am so glad I did!! They arrived in very good condition! They are thriving and growing very quickly. Excited about blooms! Thank you for such excellent care in shipping and providing very healthy plants!
Kim | 6/8/2023 9:38 AM
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Lovely fuchsia
Bought this fuchsia for several years. Hard to find the not run of the mill fuchsias that is different from what is in most greenhouses. Always a nice size and healthy
Pat | 5/6/2023 3:02 PM
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Perfect in every Way
I ordered three of these beauties and they arrived perfectly packaged and in perfect health. This company is ingenious with its protective packaging so plants always arrive happy and healthy. I thank you and I'm sure the hummingbirds will thank you too!  
Mari-Beth | 4/25/2022 4:28 AM
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Quality Fuchsia Plants
Flower came well packed and in great shape. We always get good quality plants from GrowJoy and if there ever is a problem, they quickly work with you to correct.
James | 5/4/2020 4:22 AM
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A wonderful name for a wonderful plant
You cannot go wrong with the Bella Rosella Fuchsia, it is a great addition to my garden
Sheila | 5/18/2016 9:31 AM
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Bella Rosella Fuchsia
I was very impressed over the quality of my plants!
Lauren | 3/31/2016 5:00 AM
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Bella Rosella
You always send nice healthy plants that always take off growing from the time I transplant them until fall. This is such a beautiful Fuchsia. I enjoy the beautiful color of these plants and so do the Hummingbirds who stop by for a visit and a meal.
Patti | 5/15/2015 3:31 AM
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Bella Rosella Fuchsia
Unable to purchase many of my favorite Fuchsia's locally. This one arrived healthy but on the small side. I'm sure it will catch up in size with my others soon. Can't wait to see it bloom. They seem to love my back porch and bloom like crazy all summer in northern Illinois.
Darla | 5/10/2015 7:23 AM
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Healthy plants
I was delighted to receive my Bella Rosella Fuchsia Plant orders. They were packed ingeniously in little plant "boxes" that protected their tender foliage. They were nice, healthy plants with a good root ball that I was able to plant in hanging baskets the same day. Looking forward to watching them grow!
Marcia | 4/8/2015 8:46 AM
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Great Fuchsia plants
Great looking plants. Bella Rosella arrived in excellent condition, packed well.  
Charles | 5/15/2014 3:24 AM
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Fuchsia plant
Bella Rosella plant arrived quickly and in perfect condition
Amy | 5/8/2014 4:33 PM
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Garden mom on Bella Rosella Fuchsia
This arrived healthy but small. I am confident it will grow well. Have always received great plants from GrowJoy 
Monica | 4/24/2014 6:12 PM
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Love these plants
I ordered 8 Fuchsia plants to hang near my Hummingbird feeders. Here in Long Island these birds are hard to find. The plants now are all in bloom, absolutely gorgeous and my little Hummers found them! What beautiful color choices!
Andrea | 6/28/2013 6:23 PM
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Beautiful Fuchsia's
Ordered 18 Fuchsia plants (cannot get enough of them). These little beauty's arrived strong and very healthy. Thank you GrowJoy , I will not ever order from anyone else!  
Sandra | 4/9/2013 6:32 AM
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It is too early for me to comment on the plants I ordered - except that they arrived in amazing, protective packaging that is unique and very effective! I am impressed with the creativity of the packaging! The plants - even the Fushias - are looking wonderful as I plant them. Not an easy task! Thank you!  
| 3/19/2013 12:53 PM
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