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Product reviews for Indivisa Spikes Dracaena Plant

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Sturdy and colorful
Very nice height interest in containers
Patricia | 7/3/2022 11:18 AM
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Perfect Packaging. Perfect Arrival. Perfect Plants.
| 5/11/2021 12:22 AM
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Indivisa Spikes Dracanea
Plants arrived in great shape, ready for the window box! Great prices, great plants. Excellent customer service too.
| 5/16/2019 7:58 AM
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Spike Dracaena
In Southern Wisconsin, Started out as a Little Guy and after 9 yrs? its about 3 ft tall! In a Large Pot and On a Roller cart so I can bring it inside my Den in the winter. I started a 2nd one and after 4 yrs its About 2ft tall..and I leave that in my heated Garage in winter.,. Doesn't get much sun either , in winter. Love them! Got my Brother and Sister growing them now, same way.  
| 11/9/2016 5:14 AM
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Spike Dracaena
linda | 6/19/2015 3:48 AM
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Dracaena plant
Great place to order Spike Dracaena plants.
linda | 6/8/2015 7:30 AM
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Dracaena plant arrived healthy.
| 4/30/2015 7:17 AM
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Spike Dracaena plant
Hopefully someone can help me with this question on this plant can I keep it out all winter on my pool deck or what should I do with them they r in big pots? GrowJoy: Lesley if you live in Zones 7-11, you can leave it outside. If you live in Zones 6 or under,  your Dracanena plant should be taken inside for the winter.
| 11/10/2012 11:22 AM
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Dracena Spike Plant
I experienced prompt shipping of product, professional packaging and a substantial sized plant.
Gale | 9/9/2012 3:06 PM
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