Best Plants, Great Packaging, Real Value!

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My favorite!
The velvet red is my favorite color regal. Since the local nurseries have not had these for years, I was forced to look online. Last year, I had ordered these from another company. What I received was leggy and sparse. I paid four times what these cost. I was so disappointed. This year I ordered from Grow Joy. The plants were small, healthy, and are filling out beautifully since planted. I will never order regals from anywhere else again.
Evlyn | 6/15/2024 1:37 PM
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Great plants!
Plants arrived fresh & healthy! I order all my plants from grow joy and am very happy. Highly recommend.
| 5/8/2020 6:19 PM
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Regal Geranium Red Velvet
The plants I ordered from GrowJoy arrived in great shape. This plant has a beautiful bloom. I highly recommend this company.  
| 5/5/2016 7:22 AM
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Aristo Velvet Red Geranium
Healthy Plant. Mother nature do your thing.
Carla | 9/28/2014 8:54 AM
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