I ordered several Snow Queen Oakleaf Hydrangeas from GrowJoy last spring. Now after a full growing season the jury is still out on how well they are performing. None of them have died, which is positive. And all but two of them have grown a significant amount. The only problem is that the leaves look rather ragged and their color is light green to yellow. The plants arrived very healthy, so I believe the quality of the plants from GrowJoy were great. I'm just trying to figure out if they are needing more sun then the full-shade place I have them planted. I guess time may tell, but I may move one or two of them to the east side of my house next spring where they can get some morning sun.
Timothy|11/6/2015 10:07 AM
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Beautiful Plants
My Snow Queen Oakleaf Hydrangeas arrived in great condition as they were very well packed. I just planted them, so I haven's seen any new growth, but I will return to post a review once they've grown a bit.