We were so delighted and pleased by the quality and condition of all the plants we received, which were beautifully packed to protect them to ensure they arrived safe and sound at our home. We were amazed at how healthy they were upon arrival, and that more than one was already in bloom. All were in far better condition at a higher level of development than similar products we’d ordered in the past from other nurseries. Now after planting them about ten days ago, I am pleased to follow up even more and tell you that all are blooming profusely and are growing like mad, destined to thoroughly fill and cascade over the planters we chose for them. Based on our experience with these, we did go ahead and order additional plants, some of which arrived and were planted yesterday. Once again, we were thrilled at the condition and hardiness of all received and looking forward to the two remaining plants scheduled. Once again, kudos to you and the entire team at GrowJoy for the quality, health and tremendous selection you offer.