A thriving, productive garden starts with early planting! Many vegetables thrive in cooler temperatures, making them perfect for an early start. By planting cool-weather crops early in the season, you’ll set yourself up for a harvest that just keeps giving.
Best Vegetables to Plant Early
While some vegetables demand summer heat, others flourish in the crisp air of early spring. These cool-season champions not only tolerate chilly conditions but often taste even better when grown in them!
Lettuce – Quick to establish and ready to harvest in just weeks, lettuce thrives in cool temperatures and can be planted as soon as the soil temperature reaches 40°F. It can tolerate light frosts but should be protected from hard freezes. [Shop Lettuce Plugs]
Spinach – This leafy green loves the cold! In fact, spinach grows best when soil temperatures are between 35-75°F and can be planted as soon as the ground is workable. Spinach is highly frost-tolerant and can survive temperatures as low as 20°F.
Kale – Hardy and packed with nutrients, kale can handle light frosts and grows vigorously in early spring when soil temperatures reach 45°F. It can survive hard frosts down to 20°F and even improve in flavor after exposure to cold.
Broccoli – A cool-season favorite, broccoli develops best before summer heat sets in and can be planted when soil temperatures are 40-75°F. It tolerates light frosts but should be covered if temperatures drop below 28°F.
Cabbage – Another early-season staple, cabbage forms firm, crisp heads when planted in cooler weather and can be started at 45°F soil temperature. Cabbage can handle light frosts but should be protected from deep freezes.
Brussels Sprouts – These slow-growing plants need an early start for a late-season harvest and can be planted when soil temperatures reach 45°F. They are extremely frost-hardy and can withstand temperatures as low as 20°F.
Timing & Planting Tips for Early Vegetables
Start as soon as the soil is workable. Cool-weather crops are resilient and can often be planted weeks before the last frost.
Choose starter plugs over seeds. Our robust starter plugs give your garden a head start, ensuring faster growth and stronger plants.
Protect against temperature swings. While these veggies tolerate the cold, unexpected frosts can still be a risk. Row covers or cold frames can help safeguard your young plants.
Ensure proper spacing. Overcrowding reduces airflow and increases the risk of disease. Follow spacing guidelines to maximize your harvest.
Preorder Your Early Vegetables Now!
The best way to secure a strong start to your garden is to plan ahead. Preordering your cool-season vegetable plugs ensures you’ll receive high-quality, ready-to-plant starts at just the right time for your garden.
Get a jump on the season and enjoy a bountiful harvest—shop our selection of cool-weather starter plugs today!